
Reflecting Beauty Exquisite Bouquet of Flowers

pink gerberas, pink roses, blue mauve ageratum, seasonal florets, pittosporum, poppy fruits (Flowers vary according to seasons and availability in store. Shape, spirit and colors will be respected) - Non contractual visual

Paris flowers  -  Bouquet of flowers Reflection Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Bouquet of flowers Reflection Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Bouquet of flowers Reflection Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Bouquet of flowers Reflection Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: FR-1205
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Paris flowers  -  Bouquet of flowers Reflection Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Bouquet of flowers Reflection Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Bouquet of flowers Reflection Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Bouquet of flowers Reflection Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Reflecting Beauty Exquisite Bouquet of Flowers

  • Elevate your space with our exquisite bouquet featuring vibrant pink gerberas and roses, complemented by the delicate hues of blue mauve ageratum.
  • Adorned with seasonal florets and pittosporum, each arrangement is a unique celebration of nature's beauty.
  • Discover a burst of color and elegance with the inclusion of poppy fruits for added texture and charm.
  • Our bouquets are crafted with care, ensuring a non-contractual visual that respects the essence of shape, spirit, and seasonal availability.
  • Embrace the joy of nature's palette with this stunning floral ensemble – a perfect gift or statement piece.
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