
Elegant Countess Roses Linear Bouquet

Bouquet of 3 pink roses intertwined with a Lucky bamboo, 2 branches of fornium (can be replaced by pandanus leaves), a galax collar, upturned cordyline, baby's breath - Non contractual visual

Paris flowers  -  Linear bouquet of countess roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Linear bouquet of countess roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Linear bouquet of countess roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Linear bouquet of countess roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: FR-4234
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Paris flowers  -  Linear bouquet of countess roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Linear bouquet of countess roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Linear bouquet of countess roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Linear bouquet of countess roses Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Elegant Countess Roses Linear Bouquet

  • Exquisite bouquet featuring 3 captivating pink roses, symbolizing love and grace.
  • Intertwined with a Lucky Bamboo for a touch of positivity and good fortune.
  • Two branches of lush Fornium or Pandanus leaves add a tropical flair, bringing the outdoors inside.
  • A Galax collar provides an elegant backdrop, enhancing the overall aesthetic.
  • The upturned Cordyline adds a unique twist, creating a visually dynamic arrangement.
  • Delicate Baby's Breath sprinkles a touch of whimsy, completing this non-contractual visual masterpiece.
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