
Sonata Robby Round Bouquet

red germinis, viburnum or white carnations, red roses, turned aspidistra (or cordyline turned inside), various foliage (Flowers vary according to seasons and availability in store. Shape, spirit and colors will be respected) - Non contractual visual

Paris flowers  -  Red round bouquet Sonata Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Red round bouquet Sonata Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Red round bouquet Sonata Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Red round bouquet Sonata Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: FR-1234
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Paris flowers  -  Red round bouquet Sonata Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Red round bouquet Sonata Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Red round bouquet Sonata Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Paris flowers  -  Red round bouquet Sonata Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Sonata Robby Round Bouquet 

  • Elevate your space with vibrant arrangements featuring red germinis, viburnum, and white carnations
  • Embrace elegance with the timeless allure of red roses
  • Intricately designed with turned aspidistra or cordyline for a touch of sophistication
  • Seasonal foliage variations ensure a unique and fresh display
  • Non-contractual visuals capture the essence of the arrangement
  • Perfect for any occasion, these bouquets bring a burst of color and spirit to your surroundings
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